Neil Gilliss, MBA, CFP

About Neil Gilliss, MBA, CFP

Neil is the founder Canal Capital Management and serves as the firm’s President and Chief Investment Officer. As head of the Investment Committee, he focuses his attention on the firm’s overall asset allocation.

Where’s the Inflation

The general idea about inflation we are taught is that the greater the supply of money, the less a single dollar is worth, and the prices for the goods we buy should rise. This simple model usually holds true, yet policies by the Federal Reserve over the past five years have substantially increased the supply of money but have failed to stimulate above average inflation. Inflation lowers everyone’s purchasing power and erodes the real return on investments, so keeping an eye on when inflation might rise is important.

M2 Money Stock Since 2008

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Standard Distinction

One of the things we harp on at our firm is abiding by a fiduciary standard. This standard compels us to always act in the best interest of our clients. In our business, that means recommending investments that we believe will best achieve a client’s goals regardless of how transacting in those investments effects our bottom line. As professional purveyors of advice we believe it would be disingenuous, if not downright wrong, to provide anything but objective guidance. We also believe it sets us apart from large wire house brokers and advisors who are not held to that same standard. Read more