Neil Gilliss, MBA, CFP

About Neil Gilliss, MBA, CFP

Neil is the founder Canal Capital Management and serves as the firm’s President and Chief Investment Officer. As head of the Investment Committee, he focuses his attention on the firm’s overall asset allocation.

Continued Mutual Fund Underperformance

Most of our clients know we are big believers in low cost investing with passive investment vehicles. Although it is easy to grasp the concept of paying lower costs, it is harder to grasp that you can pay lower costs and also outperform most other investments.

The most recent SPIVA report, published by Standard & Poor’s, is now available. In 2014, over 86% of mutual fund managers (large cap) underperformed their benchmarks. Although this makes a pretty good case for investing in indexes (ETFs), mutual funds still outnumber ETFs by 10 to 1, based on assets under management.

Pundits used to argue that inefficient asset classes could outperform the market, but as you can see in the report, it is pretty standard across the board, active management loses over nearly every time period and asset class!.

The Retirement Gamble

Over the past week, I have had several clients mention the recent PBS Frontline special, “The Retirement Gamble” (Retirement Gamble). I have also read several negative comments from my industry regarding the piece. After finally finding the time to watch it this morning, I believe it was honest and well done. It is refreshing to see PBS do a piece  that includes two of the three messages we try to relay to investors every day.

  1. A Fiduciary places investors interest before their own
  2. Fees steal returns and are one of the most important determinants in investment outcomes

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